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Who invented

Who invented laser?
 A laser beam is an  extremely instance narrow parallel beam of light. The word itself is derived from the word light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.
 Albert Einstein said in  1917 that it should be possible to make rays of light of the correct frequency redirected on an atom to make it release its energy in the form of light, but it was not until 1958 that the right calculations were made by A.L. Schawlow and C.H.Townes to make this possible.
Schawlow and Townes’s First experiments failed, but by 1960 they had succeeded in generating the first laser beam, using a type of Ruby.
 Since then, the laser has been used in high powered versions for cutting through metal, in delicate surgery such as in EYE operation and for putting on special effects at pop concerts and fore Street Christmas light displays.

Who invented escalator?
A ‘moving staircase’ was invented by Jesse Reno, of New York, USA. In 1892, and it was first used on a pier at Coney Island, An American amusement park, in 1896.
It was a conveyor belt made up of wooden slats and driven by an electric motor. It was called the Reno Inclined Elevator.
 Another American, Charles Wheeler, in the same here also invented an escalator. This had flat steps, like modern ones.
 This  was improved in its design by Charles Seeberger  in 1898 (because the original wheeler Slater was never actually built), and the Otis Elevator Company at once saw its potential use and began manufacturing it from 1899 onwards. 

Who invented computer?
Charles Babbage, of London, spent from 1823 to 1871  working on his  analytical machine, designed to take instruction from punched cards, calculate with the aid of memory Bank, and print out a solution. Unfortunately, despite all his efforts, the very precise engineering work needed to make the machine a complete success was impossible at that time.
Herman Hollerith,of New York, USA, who worked for the US Census Bureau, devised the machine in 1883 which used  punched cards to store the information needed for the census, and so halved the time it took to work things out. He left Census Bureau in 1896 to form the Tabulated Machine Company to manufacture the Equipment which he had invented And that later became part of IBM (International Business Machines).
The first electronic computer was the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer known as ’ENIAC’)’,developed for the US Army Ordnance in 1946.
Unfortunately ,it weighed 30 tons and used 18000 radio valves.Further, the machine got so hot while it was working that it could be used only for short periods of time.
Only after the transistor had been invented was the modern electronic computer possible, and the first to be produced was by Remington Rand in America and Ferranti in Britain, simultaneously in 1951.


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